
Showing posts from July, 2018
“Find Her Way” Catastrophe stuck when we least expect Things fall apart with irremediable damage Still the center remain dead solid Holding what’s left to refurbish anew. The distorted soul withhold grievances Enduring the anarchy alike apocalypse  Battling the war of mind and heart Losing thyself with nothing left to win. The mind accepts to move forward  Only to be interfered by obstinate heart Reluctant to unfasten the grip of ruthless past Leaving no atonement to wounded soul.   Sleep has lost its way and night seems long Dreaming has become an arduous task Disillusioned by the reality and apparition Longing for the dose to transcend you. The phase seems muddled and clouded Making it difficult for rays to penetrate Only after an indisputable cascade Will the sun find her way back to shine?                     ...