Gosh, 27!
I will be 27. Lately, I have been retrospecting about the yesteryears; my formative years. At 27 am I really happy? Is this what I wanted? I don't have any definite answers to any of the questions, I can only say I started off without having any concrete aim. Born to a mother who was barely a girl herself, uneducated, and bonded in the karmic cycle of struggle, life wasn't a bed of roses for both of us. It still gives me chill when I think about the life my mother had to lead- young, and vulnerable. Despite everything working against her, I have always admired her resilience and courage to rise above adversity. I don't know if I have my mother's astute and bravery to overcome such difficulties. Lost her husband, my father to an unfortunate accident, it's unfathomable to think what she might have been through. Those days, for a woman, her only way to break the societal cage was by marrying and moving in with her husband. The moment she gets married, she is indefin...