Scared walk- Reflection

The flamboyant blue sky permeated the abyss of the earth. I felt like nature was conspiring to make my scared walk a contemplative retreat. Just as I stepped the staircase leading to the football ground, I saw Mr. Jigdral drooling around the football ground. It seemed like he was measuring the length and breadth of football ground in search of his lost jewel. He seems to take the scared walk seriously. I shunned the idea of taking the walk around the football ground and changed my destination towards the cafeteria. My motive was to take the less traveled route, I wanted to seclude myself at least for this walk.

I saw my mates taking the path leading to the guest house, library, hostels, and town. Since no one was walking from the President’s quarter, the route leading to old girl’s hostel, I enthusiastically owned the route. The ambiance was lush green, engulfed with different fauna. The path was deserted, not a single being was walking. However, the sticky tall trees, larger than live accompanied me well. They were gracious enough to provide me the silhouette shadow which was what I needed in the scorching broad daylight. Furthermore, I didn’t feel isolated or alone, the wind brushed through my ear whispering the tune of nature incessantly.

I didn’t slump out of exhaustion as the fragrance of nature and its freshness left me mesmerized and overwhelmed. I embraced the moment entirely. I scrutinized the name tags attached to every tree and made sure that I know some of them. I had a bad experience of not knowing the names of the tree found in Gyelposhing. Since I have western friends working in our college, the constant inquisitive question about flora and fauna just left me bewildered. I am not a nature fanatic, I am not interested in botany but their questions instilled a budding enthusiasm in knowing the names of the common trees found in a place where I reside.

"Nurturing the body is a need but mind strives for more. The mind wants eternal happiness which is temporary in nature."

This transitory thought made me oblivious of the surrounding until I saw a sluggish dog sleeping near the canteen. The dog was maroon in color, sleeping under the warm sunshine, stretching his legs freely. I thought “why can’t I have a life like that lazy dog?’’ The life seems really easy to that dog, no stress and worries. Their only motive is to nurture their body not mind. Nurturing the body is a need but mind strives for more. The mind wants eternal happiness which is temporary in nature. With this retrospective thought I ended my walk as it was time for the next class.


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